Do you have a mission/outreach heart?
Like to help others?
Can you give a few hours or a few dollars?
If you answered Yes to any of these questions you should be on the HCD Missions Team.
We meet online occasionally, sometimes in person but most often we communicate via email.
You can be the Pastor or the mission chair, or you can be the “jack of all trades” at church or the newest person in the pew; it doesn't matter to our team. We each have a passion we can support.
Our projects range from flood buckets to support for Ukrainians. From Summer Camps to disaster relief after a tornado.
We define OutReach as in your own zip code, while someplace else is missions.
Funding is released after a vote on each grant request received.
To join us just contact Janet Cook the current Chair of the Hill Country District Missions Team at 101janetcook@gmail.com.